
Dungeon Date Roll-n-Write + TTRPG

Created by Michael Addison

ROMANCE, BEFRIEND, and SLAY with STYLE in a new Roll-n-Write board game and tabletop roleplaying game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

11 months ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 08:12:13 AM


We are FULLY FUNDED and we've hit our first stretch goal! Thanks so much for supporting the new games. Sarah and I are thrilled to be able to bring both games to life and share them with you. I'm excited to see what stories people tell with Delves. This is Sarah's first Kickstarter as a designer, and she is very excited to have Roll with Style fund and have the opportunity to make more content for the game.

Stretch Goal #1 Unlocked!

Our first stretch goal has been unlocked, and we are already making progress towards the next goal. The first goal adds a brand new playsheet to Dungeon Date: Roll with Style -- Heartbreaker Mode. Heartbreaker Mode takes the game beyond the basic "build outfit, encounter monsters" formula and focuses on four distinct monsters -- the Dark Elf, the Minotaur, the Night Goblin, and the Mummy. Each monster has its own unique "date" activity that you must complete in order to Romance or Slay that monster.

Prototype Heartbreaker sheet after a round of playtesting!

Explore the Caverns with the Dark Elf, solve the Labyrinth to find the Minotaur, draw constellations in the night sky with the Night Goblin, and unearth the Pyramid to encounter the Mummy. The core mechanic of rolling 4 dice and choose one for color and number remains the same, but you have four different adventures to pursue with each choice you make.

Our next stretch goal adds another new mode (and brand new playsheet) for Roll with Style. Stay tuned for more details!

Delves Origins

I just wanted to share a little background on the origins of Dungeon Date Delves. Dungeon Date started as a card game that pokes at the humor/horror I found in RPG monster manuals -- that some "monsters" are clearly just people (various elves, dwarves, orcs, fey folk, lizard folk... even centaurs and the serpent-like yuan-ti). The deciding factor in which creatures are monsters is whether they are in the "good guy" book or the "bad guy" book -- some are even in both! What if ALL  monsters were actually people, you just have to see things from their perspective in terms of their passions, hobbies, and fears?

For Delves, I wanted to expand on that idea a bit by making the monsters that you meet persist as relationships that might evolve over the course of a game. Additionally, I want players to think about how Town reacts to their monster companions, as another avenue to explore the theme of the monster/hero dichotomy.

My very first prototype character sheet for Dungeon Date Delves.

The roleplaying game took shape fairly quickly from the idea. It made sense to try to adapt the symbols from the card game as part of the core systems of the RPG. Looking at all of the artwork on the cards, I really wanted to use that artwork in play. In my first attempt at a character sheet, I tried laying cards out on the sheet and it all clicked together. This could be a fast, funny roleplaying game with the same tactile elements of the card game. One of my first playtesters, Nathan, said "this feels like it has been a roleplaying game all along." I hope that you all will feel the same when you play!

Your Feedback!

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the project so far! Drop a comment here or in the project Comments section with any questions you have, or let us know what parts of the project you are particularly excited about. 

